Welcome to Fabian's Photo Blog. I hope you come back often to check in on my progress as a photographer. I will try and keep new images coming on a semi-daily basis.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween (or Fall Festival) which ever may apply to you. Here are a few images of my daughter and son (four months old now). You may have noticed I used some of the images of my daughter for my header here on the blog. I took the shots of my daughter about 2 weeks ago and the shots of my son last week but just have not had time to blog them. Now, all that being said here a few of my favorites.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Chargers vs Dolphins

This week Ritchie (#61) was up against a bigger 9 year old. I thought this kid was going to be too much for him...but I was wrong. Rithie did a great job. My nephew could not move this kid very far, but #65 had his hands full. A little help from Dimba didn't hurt either. Here are a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Zapata's Chargers (UNSTOPABLE)

I went out Sunday afternoon to watch my nephew play some football. These kids are huge, and they are only 9 years old. I think the little boy named Dimba is 5 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 200 lbs. It was a very entertaining game. Of course my nephews team won. Here are few of my favorites. Take a look.