Welcome to Fabian's Photo Blog. I hope you come back often to check in on my progress as a photographer. I will try and keep new images coming on a semi-daily basis.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007

1st Week

Tomorrow my son will be 1 week old. It seems like it has been so much longer. He is doing so well. Logan has lost a little weight but he will gain it back fast, I'm sure. Here are images I have touched up, keep in mind these are images straight out of his little NICU bed. There was very little light so I had to use a flash (I hate using flash!!!). I think they turned out well. Check 'em out.
The next image is all the other images above, but arranged to fit on a canvas I am having printed up for his baby room. It will be a 16 x 20 canvas, and it should look great on his wall. I am looking foward to it coming in (hopefully soon).

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