Welcome to Fabian's Photo Blog. I hope you come back often to check in on my progress as a photographer. I will try and keep new images coming on a semi-daily basis.
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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sophia and Family

These images are from my cousins graduation party. I had posted several images a few weeks back, but Sophia wanted to see a few of her and her children. Sophia, here are some of the images I thought were worth looking at. There were not alot of images to choose from in the first place. I think I took 10 pictures of you and your family. When you decide to take your family photo session we may take up to 250-300 photos. Then there will be a little more to choose from.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Hi Fabian,

I linked to your site from Ema's. I love your photos, especially the black and white (those are always my favorites!). Keep up the great work.
You can check out some of my photos at www.debthompson.blogspot.com
